Sunday, June 17, 2012

Spicy California Roll

Ingredients: imitation crab meat, avocado, rice, seaweed, vinegar, mayo, hot sauce

Made it for breakfast, it goes really well with Jasmine green tea :)

First Day of School Versus College

Pretty true

Credit: found this picture online, not mine

Project 60-Flower of the Day : Tansy 19/60

 Tansy flowers are yellow and grow in clusters.
 They look like yellow buttons. 
It's highly toxic to sensitive individuals.
It's better to stay away from these flowers.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Another Day at Central Park

Friend with her camera

Another view of birds in the lake

Nice flowers on the way

Unique tree

Friend and dog

Organe lily, not sure if it is

Curriculum Vitae

Just wanted share what I learned in the morning:

I thought a CV is a cover letter, just found out that a CV is comparable to a resume, but more elaborate.
CV stands for curriculum vitae, it provides a person's experiences and qualifications.

In the United Kingdom, a CV is short, 2 pages max. It includes personal and professional information.
In the United States and Canada, a CV is used as a replacement of a resume in the academic circles and the medical field.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Project 60-Flower of the Day : Jasmine 18/60

White jasmine symbolized cheerfulness, sensuality and attachment.
Originated from the foot hills of the Himalayas.
It has a nice and sweet fragrance.
Jasmine flower tea and jasmine green tea are delicious; 
Jasmine tea is originated from the Song Dynasty.
It's one of the most famous scented tea in China.

Microsoft Excel 2007 For Dummies

I finished this book in a day. If you don't know anything about excel, then it's a good start. 
 It has all the basics.
For me, it's more of a review. I didn't really learn anything new except some information on pivot tables.
The book could have more snapshots and pictures, that's only my preference.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Project 60-Flower of the Day : Peony 17/60

Another birth month flower of April is Peony.
The flower symbolized nobility and value.
It's also a symbol of China.
The flower was most popular in the Tang and Sui dynasties, and earned the title as the "King of Flowers".

Monday, June 11, 2012

Carrot Encouragement

Don't envy what others have,  because you don't know what you will get next

I saw this picture on FB and wanted to share it. 
Be optimistic and don't envy others.
Focus and do well in life, your carrot will be bigger than you expected.

Strawberry Pineapple Smoothie

Strawberry pineapple smoothie mixed with whey protein.
It taste kind of weird, maybe it's the flavor of the protein.
But it's a healthy drink, skipping the protein powder will make it taste better.

Project 60-Flower of the Day : Daisy 16/60

The birth month flower of April is Daisy.
It's also known as the "day's eye", meaning it opens and closes with the sun.
The flower symbolized innocence and purity.
Maidens usually use this flower to decorate their hair.
In Victorian time, heart broken young ladies used this flower to predict future love.
They plucked each petal of the flower and sang, "he loves me, he loves me not". 
The last petal is the answer. It is still used like that today.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Project 60-Flower of the Day : Daffodil 15/60

The birth month flower for March is Daffodil.
It's a cheerful flower that symbolized rebirth and new beginnings.
There's a saying about always give this flower in a bunch, that ensures happiness and good fortune.
Giving one daffodil can foretell misfortune.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Project 60-Flower of the Day : Violet 14/60

Another birth month flower for February is Violet.
The flower symbolized faithfulness and commitment in modern days.
In folklore, violets were used to protect against evil spirits.
But in a mythology, it's a symbol for mourning. 
The Romans laid these flowers in front of graves.