Thursday, May 24, 2012

Build Your Brand Series: Digital Media

This is what I took away from the event:
  •         Have a goal in social media
  •         Have self awareness, know what you are all about
  •         Know what you are selling at the end of the day
  •         Establish goals ahead of time
  •         Know your message, what are two or three words that you want people to describe you
  •         What do you want people to associate you with

Favorite tips from one of the panelists about things that organizations look for:
1.      Come in as a problem solver, show that you solve problems and make things better
2.      Be a thinker, show your thought process through different dimensions
3.      Find something unique that people remember you by


  1. Thanks for the lecture and tips on how to be a successful person. Thanks goodness I took a creativity problem solving course in my undergrad. When you were going for your MBA, did you have lots of paper to write?

  2. Depending on the courses you take, whether it's quantitative or more related to management/communications.
